Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lake House Renderings

Lake House Renderings
6. What impact will the property have on the surrounding area if it is developed?
it will cause the surrounding nature to be depleted and will disrupt the quiet habitat of the animals
7. How do you know if your design is ready for implementation?
I knew my design was ready because both me and my client agreed it fit all the set restraints and filled all of the needs asked by the client
8. How does the use of software and other tools aid in the development of an idea?
with revit we are able to not only create a more precise floor plan but also fill in for some aspects not included in a rough sketch or bubble diagram
9. What design ideas would you incorporate in your vacation house versus your year-round house?
your vacation house doesn't need as much storage and will only be inhabited for a week or two a year so it won't have anything except what you need for lake activities. You won't need things such as winter coats or gloves if you only go there mid-summer.
10. What is something you learned today that you did not understand or know before?
Today I learned that unless you work with the client throughout the entire process your final results may not reflect exactly what the client was looking for or if they had changed their mind on any aspects of the project.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

1. As a designer, in what ways did you try to influence your client?
I tried to convince my client that he didn't need a shower or hot tub in the back yard
2. How did making the sketches when working with your client help the design process?
It allowed for me to see the layout of the house and work with the client on what he wanted the setup to be or how he wanted the different rooms arranged
3. What relationship do the various drawings and renderings have to each other?
They have a few slight differences but the layout of all is mostly the same
4. How did the existing plot plan limit your design?
It didn't let our design go past the extending boundaries of the concrete. Also it kept us from being able to make much larger porches or decks
5. What are some of the things you would do differently? How would you change the process to accomplish them?
One thing i would do differently is i would connect the kitchen and the dinning room directly to allow for more area for the other rooms. I wouldn't change the process, i would just change some of the bubble diagrams and the initial sketches

Monday, January 18, 2010

1. How are lines, color, texture, and proportion used in the design of a structure?
they are used to give the structure both structural value and also a visual value.
2. What architectural styles are typically seen in residential design? Industrial design? Commercial design?
cubic and victorian for residential
cubic for industrial
cubic for commercial
3. What architectural style is most common in your area? What are the common components of that style?
cubic and neoeclectic mainly. componets involve crowning on front door. rarely columns
4. What are the neighborhood and environmental influences that determine the style of a structure in your area?
the climate, weather, plants, lakes or ponds

Thursday, January 14, 2010

1) in my opinion it was most important to concentrate on the main structure and large aspects of the building. not to worry about adding people or other additonal aspects.

2) I would add about 700 square ft. and add a bathroom and tv room and other accomodations to the house.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Shed questions

1) One aspect from the design process that i think is important to remember is not try and do the entire project all at once. Pick one aspect of the shed and work on that until it is finished. As they say, work from the base up.

2) If i could change one thing about the shed is I would change some of the windows and the door if more options were available and probably make the door wider to accomodate larger equipment and other accesories
What is the college education required for civil engineering and architecture?
What are the work hours for them?
What is the stress level like for both?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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