Thursday, March 18, 2010

Essential Questions 3.1

1. How do you know when the design you have chosen for a site is the correct one?
Through research of the areas and the needs of that plot. Also the type of land and its dimensions.

2. As a developer for the site, how does knowing about past owners and the uses of the property help you develop the site?
You need to know about past owners to understand what they did to the site and how they used the property. If the past owner used the site to dig for gold you will know that the yard probably has holes in it.

3. In what ways do the view of a site, its terrain, the solar aspects, wind, and sound influence site orientation?
Most owners want their site to be closer to the road so it is more convenient and also up on a hill to prevent flooding. Some houses have solar panels so it would have to be located out in the open. The house would probably be placed in a less windy spot on the property to prevent wind damage. And finally most owners would prefer their house farther away from train tracks because of the noise.

4. How does knowing about current neighbors help you in developing a site?
A owner needs to know who the current neighbors are because if the neighbors are late night partiers then the people viewing the house may want more space in between the houses.

5. What difference does it make if you do or do not abide by the regulations and requirements for developing and building property?
Most regulations and requirements must be followed or the government will take the property. But some are for the benefit of the house and its longevity.

6. What regulatory agencies should you know? Why is it important to work with them in preparing to develop property?
The local building committees and zoning committees should be worked with in order to avoid late issues with the property or the development of the property.

7. Zoning is not a requirement in all localities. How does zoning help or hinder land development?
Zoning is important because it would help your project to be in an area with similar buildings in it. It could hinder the project if it was residential built in an area where an industrial building would be built.
8. The environment is affected when land is developed. How does an environmental impact study help or hinder a developer in preparing to develop property?
The environmental study can help because it would approve the environment was safe and a good place to build. But it could hinder the development if it is destroying a needed habitat.
9. What do wetlands, covenants, and prior ownership have to do with site selection?
Most people viewing sites for selection avoid wetlands and avoid places where prior owners destroyed property. The wetland would provide weak soil and terrain. Prior owners may have done something to the property that won't be noticed until later.

10. How did completing a traffic analysis around the property help in providing information about the property?
When you complete a traffic analysis you can tell how much traffic passes the house and see how noisy and disruptive it would be.

11. As an owner of the property, what issues were of concern to you and may affect the development of the property after you completed the viability analysis?
Some factors that will come into effect during the viability analysis include previous owners and their treatment of the house, the quality of the soil, and the past of the property.
12. What is the relationship of regulations to the viability analysis?
Most the regulations are either going to help a lot or hurt a lot. Either the previous owner completely disregarded the regulations and you will have to compensate for that. Or they will have followed all of the regulations and you will have no problems with the viability analysis.

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