Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4.7.1 Landscaping

1. Reviewing the material about Xeriscape, list the seven fundamental Xeriscape areas that must be considered when designing a landscape.
Plan and Design, Create Practical Turf Areas, Select and Group Plants appropriately, improve the soil, mulch, efficient irrigation, maintain the landscape
2. Describe/define what the term “Xeriscape” means. (http://www.xeriscape.org/).
Xeriscape is a combination of seven common-sense gardening principles that save water while creating a lush and colorful landscape.
3. On a second website about Xeriscape the importance of effective planning, management, and up keep is discussed.

4. Answer the following questions in your journal:

5. What part does shade play in water resource management and human comfort?
Shade allows for less of the water to evaporate and also allow for people to sit in the shade and not sweat from the sun.
6. How can it be incorporated into landscape design efficiently?
While designing, it should be considered that a deck would be shaded somehow and to allow for a garden to receive sunlight while not being over exposed to the light.
7. When is it appropriate to provide shade and when is it not appropriate?
It would be necessary to provide shade in areas that have higher temperatures and also receive more sunlight. It would be less appropriate to provide shade in a cooler northern state where very little sunlight is received already.
8. Using the same website as in Question 3, list the criteria that should be followed when selecting plant material for a site.
Select trees, shrubs and groundcovers based on their adaptability to your region's soil and climate. Also choose plants that would be profitable to your design and desired image.
9. Using the Xeriscape websites as a reference, sketch a landscape plan in the project notes showing water-use zones (low, medium, high). Devise an irrigation plan that will address these needs.

10. In your journal, list appropriate plant material for your site’s geographical area that addresses plant groupings, requirements, sizing, and species selection.
Some flowers include: American bellflower, tall bellflower,butterweed some ferns are: ebony spleenwort, marsh fern, and Cinnamon fern some dedicious trees include: smooth alder, leadplant, and button bush.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Viability Survey

1. The number of inhabitants of the structure: commercial or residential
2. The ages and gender of inhabitants
all ages
3. Future plans to add onto the structure: future expansion
More dining area and another theatre
4. A list of activities to be done with the structure (i.e., office use, office and living use, or storage only)
dining and movie entertainment also office use and some storage area
5. Entertainment habits
6. Desired number of rooms, minimum sizes, and types of rooms
# of rooms:approximately 29, min: 10x10, types of rooms: food prep area, managerial office, break room, public restroom, employee restroom, concession area, stairway, elevator, dining, waiting area, freezer, kitchen, dry storage.
7. Kitchen with types of appliances desired
Walk-in freezer, Large oven and stoves, dishwasher?
8. Bathrooms with the number, size, and types of fixtures desired.
7, toilets, sinks, urinals, 15x25 and 10x10
9. Planned length of use of structure
50 years
10. ADA requirements
Elevators, parking lot, rail on stairs, sidewalk
11. Budget for structure
5 million
12. Style of structure
commercial restaurant
13. Special needs, i.e.: Handicap access

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Essential Questions 4.6.2

1. Determine the following information about the PLTW firehouse plan:

· What is the diameter of the existing water main?
· What is the diameter of the proposed water service?
· What is the elevation of the top of the hydrant?
· What diameter pipe is used for the building’s sanitary sewer line?
· Where is the gas meter to be located?
South side of building in the center
· What is the spot elevation in the front left-hand corner of the building?
2. Why do you think red is the color used to depict electricity?
It is red because it is a hot wire and dangerous to touch or make contact with

Essential Questions 4.4

1. Why did we exaggerate the vertical scale when we did the profile layout of the road?
That way the profile layout is more precise and accurate. Also so you can determine the exact height of the hill.

2. In what ways do engineers use design to control traffic differently on an arterial opposed to a feeder street?
With an arterial road there are alot more cars than a feeder road. A feeder road design would be much smaller and wouldn't have a median divider or multiple lanes. While an arterial road would have both.
3. What are some of the factors you would have to consider if you were asked to design a new parking lot for your local library?
You would need to consider the ADA and it regulations for handicap spots and aisle width. Also you would need to consider the location of the entrance and the distance form the parking lot to the front door.
4. How would the design of ingress or egress change if a building were to be used as a day care center instead of a senior center?
With a day care center a design may have to adjust to quick little children running around but due to ADA guidelines the parking lots, entrances, and exits would both have to be very similar.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Arterial-A major through route; arterial often provide direct service between cities and large towns.
Freeway-expressway: a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
Benchmark-a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point

Sight Distance-The length of roadway visible to a driver or pedestrian; the distance a person can see along an unobstructed line of sight.
Tangent Line-In geometry, the tangent line (or simply the tangent) to a curve at a given point is the straight line that "just touches" the curve at that point
Curb Cut-A curb cut (U.S.), curb ramp, dropped kerb (UK), or pram ramp, Kerb ramp (Australia) is a ramp leading smoothly down from a sidewalk to a street

Curve Length (L) - the length of a curve between objects or around an obstacle
Cut and Fill-The process of earth grading by excavating part of a higher area and using the excavated material for fill to raise the surface of an adjacent lower area.
Degee of curve (D)- the angle of a curve between objects or around an obstacle.

Point of Intersection (P.I.)- intersection of roads
Driveway-A driveway is a type of private road for local access to one or a small group of structures, and is owned and maintained by an individual or group
Egress- an exit off of a road

Feeder- a smaller road that leads into a larger road
Ingress- a way to enter a road or freeway
Transit Line- a line providing public transit