Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Essential Questions 4.4

1. Why did we exaggerate the vertical scale when we did the profile layout of the road?
That way the profile layout is more precise and accurate. Also so you can determine the exact height of the hill.

2. In what ways do engineers use design to control traffic differently on an arterial opposed to a feeder street?
With an arterial road there are alot more cars than a feeder road. A feeder road design would be much smaller and wouldn't have a median divider or multiple lanes. While an arterial road would have both.
3. What are some of the factors you would have to consider if you were asked to design a new parking lot for your local library?
You would need to consider the ADA and it regulations for handicap spots and aisle width. Also you would need to consider the location of the entrance and the distance form the parking lot to the front door.
4. How would the design of ingress or egress change if a building were to be used as a day care center instead of a senior center?
With a day care center a design may have to adjust to quick little children running around but due to ADA guidelines the parking lots, entrances, and exits would both have to be very similar.

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